Blogging Guidelines

Welcome Bloggers!


This year you will be blogging each week.  At times you will be asked to post specific writing assignments.  At other times, you will only be given a topic and writing ideas and will post your thoughts, plus show off your use of writing techniques.  You may also use this blog to write beyond what is assigned.  Your writing audience has expanded!  On my home page you will have access to read all of the other student blogs.  You may comment on each other and follow each other’s blogs.  Additionally, you may choose to share your blog with friends and family by giving them access to the password for our class.  (please ask me and I will provide you the password).

I encourage you to follow your curiosities, to explore topics that interest you, to tell your stories.   Enjoy the journey!

The rules:

This is an INVITATION to mature, academic discourse with fellow intellectuals.  We are going to use the consultative (professional) register for all writing.  There may be times you wish to use a bit more casual register.  Writing in a friendly tone is welcome if it fits your purpose!  However, please remember your wider audience and refrain from using any profanity and harmful language.  If your posts are offensive and inappropriate for an academic setting, you will be removed and will lose all blogging privileges.  This means you will also lose weekly points for this assignment.  As a result, a meeting will be called with an administrator and your parents to determine your future enrollment in AP Language.  We want you to have a voice and we don’t need to agree with everything posted.  BUT we do need to respect each other.  Keep in mind our online class motto:  Do no harm…and enjoy the journey.

Happy blogging!  —Mrs. Mohsen